Tuesday 10 May 2016

Van Dyne's Outfits: Business Time Tony

Business Time Tony is a special outfit you can purchase in Van Dyne's for 1500 Credits.

It allows you to use the exclusive actions "Celebrate The Deal" and "Test Your Toys", as well as reducing the "Talk To J.A.R.V.I.S." action by 1h 30m!

Down To Business Pt. 1
Iron Man starts

Wasp: You look so good in my suit!
Business Time Iron Man: And thanks to my amazing looks, your amazing suit, and my amazing combination of charisma and creativity, I just got some investors to cut a huge check to Stark Industries for my new invention.
Wasp: Awesome! What's the invention?!
Business Time Iron Man: I have no idea! Let's celebrate!

Iron Man Celebrate The Deal, 3h

Iron Man: Well, now that I threw their money around, I should probably figure out how to earn it.
Wasp: I know you can do it, Tony! You always talk about being a genius, and sometimes I can tell it's not just something you say out of a deep-seeded insecurity!
Reward: 46 Credits 

Down To Business Pt. 2
Iron Man starts

Wasp: How's the new invention?!
Business Time Iron Man: That's not how it works. First, I have to brainstorm. Get in the zone. Let the world inspire my creativity...
Wasp: I love procrastinating!

Iron Man Get Inspired, 20m

Wasp: I bet you got some amazing ideas!
Business Time Iron Man: Yeah. Tons...
Wasp: Don't tell me! I want it to be a surprise!
Business Time Iron Man: Sure. We'll both be surprised...
Reward: 46 Credits

Down To Business Pt. 3
Iron Man starts

Business Time Iron Man: Alright, no more messing around. It's time to put this genius to work!
Wasp: Awesome! What are you making?!
Business Time Iron Man: You'll see. I think...

Iron Man Tinker With Tech, 1h

Wasp: Well...?
Business Time Iron Man: I think I did it. J.A.R.V.I.S. gave me helpful feedback, and your perfectly tailored suit did the rest. I just had to remember that even when I'm stuck on ideas, I'm still really rich and handsome.
Wasp: Tony...
Business Time Iron Man: And I have great friends who always have my back. C'mon, let's go demo this thing...
Reward: 46 Credits

Down To Business Pt. 4
Iron Man starts

Business Time Iron Man: I think you're gonna love this new invention.
Wasp: Cool! Is it a purse with repulsor beams?! High heels that transform into flats?! A sewing machine that turns into a robot chihuahua that raps and makes mango smoothies?!
Business Time Iron Man: No, but I think you'll like it anyway.
Wasp: We'll see...

Iron Man Test Your Toys, 7h

Wasp: Whoa! It's no rapping-robot-chihauhau-smoothie-sewing-machine, but still pretty cool, Tony.
Business Time Iron Man: Thanks. I couldn't have done it without you and your suit.
Wasp: Sure, you could have.
Business Time Iron Man: You're right. I'm incredible.
Reward: 46 Credits

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