Thursday 13 October 2016

Halloween Special Event Character Outfit: Thunder Loki

Thunder Brother!
Loki starts
Loki: Unbridled mischief. Disgruntled pumpkins. Lollipops posing as apparitions. I'm actually enjoying this Midgardian holiday. We'll need to amplify everyone's Halloween spirit to defeat Mephisto.
Odin: You should visit one of their fabled Halloween megastores! An endless collection of costumes and various wares stretching as far as my mystical ravens can see!
Loki: I suppose it could be amusing to don a traditional Midgardian costume instead of using my usual shapeshifting sorcery...
Odin: I'm pleased to see you relating to your classmates, and engaging in the holiday festivities! What will be your chosen costume?
Loki: Something utterly ridiculous...

Get Thunder Loki!
- 40 Toy Hammers (Special Event Missions)
- 6 Mummy Candy (Defeat Fire Demon)
- 4 Fake Muscles (Collect from the Thor's Chariot, 4h)
- 4798 Candies

Wasp: Awesome!
Loki: Awesomely absurd. I would have purchased a costume of my own likeness, but the megastore was sold out due to insanely popular demand.
Wasp: That totally never happened!
Loki: All that matters is that I will use this strange smelling semblance of my brother to mock him mercilessly, and attack Mephisto with vicious mirth.
Wasp: Plus, it's be super fun for you since you secretly love Thor so much, and always wished you had his hammer and big muscles!

Reward: 20 Candies 

Deemed Worthy Pt. 1
Loki starts

Odin: Hilarious! I especially enjoy the inflatable Mjolnir! The humor comes from the fact that it's tiny!
Loki: It also honks like an injured goose upon impact.
Odin: Amazing! What these Midgardians lack in immortality, they more than make up for in entertaining noises! Imagine if it allowed you to take flight like Thor!
Loki: I can do anything my brother can do.
Odin: Of course, my son. You never had to prove your worthiness to me.
Loki: I'll prove to you that I'm worthy...

Loki Prove You're Worthy! 1h 30m

Odin: Fantastic flying, Loki! You wield that minuscule hammer like a true god of thunfer!
Loki: You're a horrible liar.
Odin: Don't forget that the whole reason behind this outfit was to have fun. To weaken Mephisto with your gift for mockery and mirth. This isn't a competition between you and Thor.
Loki: You still love him more than me...
Odin: I love you both. Equally. Perhaps you should remove this costume. Find another means of generating mirth.
Loki: Not until I've proven capable of doing everything Thor can do. And discovered a way to repair the broken zipper.
Reward: 20 Candies

Deemed Worthy Pt. 2
Loki starts

Enchantress: As the Midgardians would say, "Oh no you didn't."
Loki: It's purely an exercise in mocking my brother in order to weaken Mephisto.
Enchantress: You keep telling yourself that...
Loki: What do you want? Your wretched perfume is already wafting into my foamy musculature.
Enchantress: I found a spell to weaken the demon, but it will require both of us to cast it at once. Unless you'd rather just keep dressing up like your big brother...

Loki Wield Sorcery! 1m

Enchantress: I don't understand. That spell should have at least knocked the demon from his throne...
Loki: Your lack of magical talent is as obvious as the stubble from your freshly shaven chin whiskers.
Enchantress: Perhaps you weren't really trying. Perhaps you aren't ready to stop pretending to be your secret idol. Perhaps what you call mocking is actually pathetic wish fulfilment for what you've always wanted, but will never have.
Loki: I'm Enchantress. I say perhaps a lot, and somehow always manage to have a piece of lettuce stuck between my teeth.
Enchantress: You're a childish idiot.
Loki: You are.
Enchantress: You are!
Loki: I'm telling All-Father!
Reward: 20 Candies

Deemed Worthy Pt. 3
Loki starts

Thor: Brother!
Loki: You're here...
Thor: Verily! Don't be so surprised! We've spoken many times since I escaped this infernal timefog!
Loki: Have we? Sometimes I feel like we have, but then it seems like a dream or nightmare. Other times, I remember us being different. Being in places that seem similar to this, but from a completely different universe...
Thor: Remember when you dared me to eat that dead bird we found?! I had the strangest dreams!
Loki: You truly are an oafish buffoon.
Thor: And you've taken on my godly visage! Bring the thunder, brother!

Loki Shock and Awe! 3m20s
Loki Prove You're Worthy! 1h30m

Thor: Amazing! You called down the lightning like a true god of thunder!
Loki: I finally understand why your brain doesn't function properly...
Thor: You'll get used to it! Electrocution can be as invigorating as battle!
Loki: I think I may be finished with this foolishness. My flesh is itchy, and my eyeball won't stop twitching.
Thor: I'm proud of you, brother. You've always been a cunning strategist and magnificent sorcerer, but you've also proven yourself worthy of wielding the mighty Mjolnir!
Loki: More like squeaky Mjolnir.
Thor: Verily!
Loki: ...verily.
Reward: 20 Candies

What do you think of Thunder Loki? Have you unlocked him yet?


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