Sunday 18 December 2016

Free Character Profile: Mockingbird


Birds of a Feather Pt. 1
Mockingbird starts

Falcon: We finally got another bird person!
Mockingbird: Excuse me?
Falcon: We have a bunch of spider people. A few cat heroes. Help me out, Mockingbird. It's lonely out here for a bird-themed hero.

Mockingbird Ride Sky-Cycles! 2h

Falcon: Who taught you how to ride like that?
Mockingbird: I taught myself.
Falcon: I taught myself how to use a jetpack. Taught myself a lot about bandages while I was at it.
Mockingbird: You can't fly if you're afraid to crash.
Falcon: True. I'm really good at both.

Reward: 20 Odin Treasures

Birds of a Feather Pt. 2
Mockingbird starts

Mockingbird: Where's the fun stuff around here?
Falcon: Depends on what you like. Tony's got a hot tub. You can fly the Quinjet. Me and Cap like to dance. He says it's the best cardio.
Mockingbird: My idea of fun is punching, and hitting stuff with sticks. 

Mockingbird Stick and Move! 2h30m

Mockingbird: Punching robots sounds fun, but I'm a little worried about the inevitable uprising.
Wasp: I spared myself by promising them outfits!
Mockingbird: You're kidding, right?
Wasp: I think so!
Reward: 20 Credits 

Birds of a Feather Pt. 3
Mockingbird starts

Mockingbird: I think the Super-Soldier Serum has some lingering side-effects. Like anxiety. With a dash of paranoia.
Nick Fury: I wish we would've had another option, but I wasn't gonna let you die.
Mockingbird: Are you sure that's the only reason?
Nick Fury: Are you accusing me of lying?
Mockingbird: Of course not. Everybody knows Nick Fury never lies...

Upgrade Mockingbird! 567 Credits
Mockingbird Infiltrate Avengers Hall! 3m20s

Agent 13: What happened?!
Mockingbird: I tried to get into Fury's office. He's hiding something about my past, and the Super-Soldier Serum.
Agent 13: I told Black Cat to stop going in there. He must have upped his security.
Mockingbird: Then I guess I'll have to up my game too...
Reward: 20 Credits  

Benched Pt. 1
Mockingbird starts

Nick Fury: You still think I'm lying to you?
Mockingbird: I think I'm not getting the whole truth.
Nick Fury: I've been chasing that my whole life...

Mockingbird Ride Sky-Cycles! 2h

Mockingbird: Can I use your tech to research Super-Soldier Serum?
Iron Man: Why don't you just talk to Cap?
Mockingbird: I still don't know who I can trust...
Iron Man: You trust me more than Captain America?
Mockingbird: Is that wrong?
Iron Man: Refreshing is the word I was gonna use. Let me know if you ever want a flying suit of armor...
Reward: 20 Credits 

Benched Pt. 2
Mockingbird starts

Mockingbird: I was hoping I could talk to you about Super-Soldier Serum... 
Captain America: Of course. I don't have any though. Everybody always thinks I just walk around with a thermos of it or something.
Mockingbird: I've already taken it...
Captain America: You don't seem too happy about it...
Mockingbird: Sometimes I am. Sometimes I wish I could go back in time...
Captain America: You and I should talk...

Upgrade Mockingbird, 5 x Avengers Textbooks, 10 x ?, 996 Credits


Mockingbird Do Biochemistry! 1h45m

Mockingbird: Thanks for the talk. I feel like I at least understand Super-Soldier Serum better, even if I'm still not positive what it's doing to me.
Captain America: I'll always be here if you need to talk.
Mockingbird: I'm glad Tony told me that I should trust you.
Captain America: Tony Stark?!
Mockingbird: He said you're the most trustworthy person on campus. And the most boring.
Captain America: Tony Stark...

Reward: 20 Credits

Back in Business Pt. 1
Mockingbird starts

Phil Coulson: I read your file front to back fourteen times. It's totally awesome. It'll be great to have you on the team.
Mockingbird: I've never been very good at teams...
Phil Coulson: I knew you'd be line wolf-y!

Mockingbird Blend In! 4h
Mockingbird Ride Sky-Cycles! 2h

Mockingbird: You don't have to give me the tour, Quake. I've been around S.H.I.E.L.D. Nothing here is gonna surprise me.
Quake: I made earthquakes with my hands. Another guy drives a teleporting demon car.
Mockingbird: That's a tiny bit surprising...
Quake: That's just the beginning...
Reward: 20 Credits

Back in Business Pt. 2
Mockingbird starts

Maria Hill: Director Fury has a mission for you.
Mockingbird: Why can't he tell me himself?
Maria Hill: He's busy.
Mockingbird: Otherwise known as needing plausible deniability...
Maria Hill: I'd grab your passport, and Coulson's space bazooka...

Upgrade Mockingbird, 2172 Credits
Mockingbird Go on a Solo Mission! 5h

Mockingbird: Something doesn't seem right. These assignments are weird, even by S.H.I.E.L.D. standards. I still don't think Fury is telling us everything...
Quake: They're pretty weird, but Coulson trusts Fury, and I trust Coulson. By the transitive property of trust, I trust Fury. It's basic secret agent math.
Mockingbird: You are way too nice for all this...

Reward: 20 Credits

Trust No One Pt. 1Mockingbird starts

Mockingbird: I hear you're the president of the conspiracy theory club...
Black Widow: Who sent you?!
Mockingbird: ...
Black Widow: I'm just kidding. Yes, I am the "Fury is lying to everyone" girl.
Mockingbird: I wanna join the club,
Black Widow: All you need is a love of intel, and a willingness to punch people in the throat...

Mockingbird Research Biology! 4h
Mockingbird Infiltrate Avengers Hall! 3m20s
Black Widow Search for Clues! 1m

Mockingbird: There's a lot of clues pointing to some unnamed island.
Black Widow: You'll need two people who can fly to get out there. Something small. They'll notice the Quinjet from miles out.
Mockingbird: I can use a Sky-Cycle. Do you know how to fly one?
Black Widow: I do, but I have my own mission to finish. I know a guy who can help.
Mockingbird: I was just thinking the same thing...
Reward: 20 Credits

Trust No One Pt. 2
Mockingbird starts

Hawkeye: Look who's ready to blow the lid off something...
Mockingbird: You're a legend around these parts. The mysterious Hawkeye. Seldom seen, and never captured.
Hawkeye: I pride myself on being intriguing.
Mockingbird: Are you ready to help me infiltrate this mystery island?
Hawkeye: I forgot my sunscreen, but I guess so...

Upgrade Mockingbird, 50 x Textbooks, 60 x Battle Staff (Mission Board), 7874 Credits
Mockingbird Investigate Conspiracies! 8h
Mockingbird Ride Sky-Cycles! 2h, requires another Avenger

Reward: 20 Credits

What do you think of Mockingbird? Did you enjoy recruiting her via daily log-in?


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