Saturday 29 April 2017

GotG Vol. 2: Groot's Galactic Crate!

Evening, Avengers!

Alongside the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Special event, TinyCo has also dropped another crate into our shops - Groot's Galactic Crate! It costs 1 Kree Seal per try and contains Groot, some decorations, and other items which will help with the current event.

You will be prompted to open the crate via the following quest:

Get Cosmic Awesomeness!
Wasp starts

Groot: I am Groot!
Ronan: You're standing in between me and the Infinity Gauntlet, which means you're nothing but a dead tree walking.
Groot: I am Groot!
Ronan: I have no idea what you're saying, but I'm going to pretend that it's just another excuse to beat you senseless.

Open Groot's Galactic Crate! 1 Kree Seal (Defeat Ronan)

Rocket Raccoon: Where you been?
Groot: I am Groot.
Rocket Raccoon: And you didn't invite me?!
Groot: I am Groot...
Rocket Raccoon: What do you mean, I can be abrasive?!
Reward: 10 Stars

The crate gives you a CHANCE at getting the following: 

Groot (full character)
Groot Bobblehead
25 Shards
40 Shards
25 Textbooks
50 Textbooks
250 Credits
500 Credits
10 Guardian Badges
12 Guardian Badges
15 Guardian Badges
5 Guardian Badges
7 Guardian Badges
Yondu Wanted Poster
3 Cosmic Disruptors
3 Cosmic Disruptors
250 Stars
400 Stars
Nebula Wanted Poster
9 Small Health Packs
6 Medium Health Packs
3 Large Health Packs

My Personal Results (Note: I already had Groot )

Groot Bobblehead
9 Small Health Packs
250 Stars
500 Credits
50 Textbooks
3 Cosmic Disruptors
10 Guardian Badges
Nebula Wanted Poster
Yondu Wanted Poster
7 Guardian Badges
6 Medium Health Packs
25 Textbooks
3 Large Health Packs
3 Cosmic Disruptors
5 Guardian Badges
15 Guardian Badges
250 Credits
400 Flares (Stars)
12 Guardian Badges
40 Shards
25 Shards

Are you going to have a go at the crate? If you did, did you get what you wanted? It was a bit annoying for me to get decorations I already owned.


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