Iron Man starts
Doctor Strange: If you can find a way to set me free, I can close the dimensional rift, and save your school.
Iron Man: You want me to save you, so that you can save me?
Doctor Strange: You've entered the realm of mysticism. You must forget everything that you think you know.
Iron Man: I should stop expecting things to make sense?
Doctor Strange: By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth!
Iron Man: I'll take that as a yes...
Free Doctor Strange!
Loki: You're Mister Weirdo? I was expecting someone...supreme.
Doctor Strange: You've entered the realms of mysticism. You must learn to accept the unacceptable.
Loki: Save your magic mumbo jumbo for the easily impressed mortals. We're all sorcerers here.
Doctor Strange: You're a sorcerer? I was expecting someone...powerful.
Loki: I'm the greatest sorcerer in all the Nine Realms!
Doctor Strange: I'm Doctor Strange. The Sorcerer Supreme.
Loki: I hope you feel good about your meaningless title.
Doctor Strange: I feel like the greatest sorcerer in all the Nine Realms.
Reward: 20 Arcane Artifacts
Get Doctor Strange!
Wasp starts
Doctor Strange: Do people usually argue with everyone as soon as they get here, or is that just another one of my many talents?
Nick Fury: Honestly, I'm not surprised Stark has issues with a powerful guy who has the word Supreme in his title. Loki has issues with everyone, so don't go feeling too special.
Doctor Strange: I didn't want to tell him that the Eye of Agamotto around my neck is capable of revealing lies...
Nick Fury: I gotta go! S.H.I.E.L.D. emergency!
Recruit Doctor Strange!
- 4 Relic of Agamottos (from the Orb of Agamatto)
- 4 Illuminati Cards (from defeating Zealot Bosses)
- 16 Beard Trimmers (from defeating Eldritch Portals)
- 5993 Arcane Artifacts
Kaecilius: You're an arrogant fool, Strange. I'll never understand why they chose to make you Sorcerer Supreme.
Doctor Strange: I always assumed it was because I'm the best.
Kaecilius: You fight to keep the world just the way it is because it keeps you in power. What will you do when the horrors of the Dark Dimension remake your reality?
Doctor Strange: I'll do my job, and save the world. You would know that if you were good enough to be Sorcerer Supreme.
Reward: 20 Arcane Artifacts
The Sorcerer Supreme! Pt. 1
Doctor Strange starts
Doctor Strange: I need to take some time to think about how we'll stop Kaecilius, and seal the dimensional rift. I teleported the Sanctum Sanctorum here because it's where I do my best thinking.
Nick Fury: We don't have time. I have evil sorcerers all over my campus, and a portal to even eviler things getting bigger by the second.
Doctor Strange: I believe observation and knowledge must precede action.
Nick Fury: I believe the children are our future.
Doctor Strange: Are you messing with me?
Nick Fury: You got Fury'd.
Doctor Strange Consider Alternatives! 1m
Doctor Strange: I think I know how to stop Kaecilius and seal off the Dark Dimension, but I may need help from some unsavory individuals.
Nick Fury: Welcome to my life.
Reward: 20 Arcane Artifacts
The Sorcerer Supreme! Pt. 2
Doctor Strange starts
Doctor Strange: I need to take drastic measures to uncover Kaecilius's scheme. Can you cause a distraction while I access multiple dimensions?
Wasp: I'm super distracting!
Doctor Strange Be Four-Dimensional! 2m
Wasp Create a Buzz, 3m
Wasp Have a Blast! 2m
Nick Fury: I brought you here to close the dimensional rift, not open a hundred more of them all over my campus.
Doctor Strange: Those weren't rifts. They're more like temporary doorways, and I was in complete control.
Nick Fury: You should have asked my permission.
Doctor Strange: The Sorcerer Supreme usually doesn't have to ask permission.
Nick Fury: The Sorcerer Supreme usually doesn't have to deal with Nick Fury.
Reward: 20 Arcane Artifacts
The Sorcerer Supreme! Pt. 3
Doctor Strange starts
Nick Fury: I'm glad you're here to help, but you can't be here if you can't follow my rules.
Doctor Strange: You want to give me a lecture instead of battling Kaecilius?
Nick Fury: I don't want to, but you aren't giving me a choice.
Doctor Strange: I agree. Lecture away.
Nick Fury: Why do you sound so happy about it?
Doctor Strange: A Sorcerer Supreme never reveals his secret...
Upgrade Doctor Strange! 7 x Illuminating ID Cards, 6522 Arcane Artifacts
Doctor Strange Zone Out! 1m
Loki Study Arcane Lore! 3m
Black Widow: I thought I was good at ignoring Fury...
Doctor Strange: The trick is to let your mind travel elsewhere.
Black Widow: I try to keep my mind on the secret he's hiding somewhere under the campus, but it makes it hard when I'm constantly fighting off invaders.
Doctor Strange: Maybe you just need a few more eyes on the problem...
Reward: 20 Arcane Artifacts
The Rise of Magic Pt. 1
Doctor Strange starts
Loki: Greetings, Mister Weirdo. I see you're still wandering aimlessly while a superior sorcerer threatens our livelihood.
Doctor Strange: I was actually about to help Black Widow discover Fury's hidden power source using the Eye of Agamotto. That power could be the key to defeating whatever enters from the Dark Dimension.
Loki: She asked you?!
Doctor Strange: I guess she didn't want just any sorcerer. She wanted the Sorcerer Supreme.
Loki: Prepare yourself for contentious dancing!
Doctor Strange Unleash Magic of Dance! 3m
Loki Master the Dance Floor! 2h
Loki Wield Sorcery! 1m
Doctor Strange: I'm not much of a dancer, so I used a spell of mimicry to mirror your moves.
Loki: You're a disgrace to dancing sorcerers everywhere.
Reward: 20 Arcane Artifacts
The Rise of Magic Pt. 2
Doctor Strange starts
Doctor Strange: What did you do to me?
Loki: I don't have the slightest idea what you mean.
Doctor Strange: I don't know how you did it, but I can't remember any of my spells. It's as if all of the magical knowledge has been wiped from my mind.
Loki: I'm sure you can relearn it. It didn't seem like you knew very much.
Doctor Strange: Hope that I don't because when my powers return, you'll know to never challenge the Sorcerer Supreme.
Loki: I'm so scared...Not.
Doctor Strange: No one has used that joke in twenty years.
Loki: Comedy gold has no expiration date.
Upgrade Doctor Strange! 10 x Illuminating ID Cards, 6 x Surgeon Knives, 7761 Arcane Artifacts

Doctor Strange Recall Spells! 1m
Loki Study Arcane Lore! 3m
Loki: I know you've regained your abilities, but know that I can take them away again anytime I please.
Doctor Strange: I don't have anymore time for your games.
Loki: Are you late for your hair appointment?
Doctor Strange: Are you familiar with Chaos Magic?
Loki: Chaos Magic is a myth...
Doctor Strange: I hope you're right, but I have to travel home, and see for myself...
Reward: 20 Arcane Artifacts
Miracle on Bleecker Street Pt. 1
Doctor Strange starts
Loki: Chaos Magic can warp the very fabric of existence or reality. It can bend the time-space continuum to the user's whim. It can bring about total destruction of the cosmos.
Doctor Strange: I thought you didn't believe in it...
Loki: I don't, but I want to. Can you imagine what I could with that power?
Doctor Strange: ...
Loki: Of course, I have no intention of harnessing the power for my own means. Protecting our precious Midgard is all that matters.
Doctor Strange: I'm the one who freed this Chaos-Entity. I will be the one to banish it...
Doctor Strange Forget What You Know! 4m
Doctor Strange Practice Alchemy! 1m
Loki Wield Sorcery! 1m
Loki: How did you manage to free a Chaos-Entity? Besides being incompetent...
Doctor Strange: A being called Tyanon was bound to the location of my home to prevent her from fully gaining access to Earth. I was able to banish her from this plane, but when I moved the Sanctum Sanctorum here, I set her free...
Loki: I'm not laughing at you. I'm laughing with the other people who are laughing at you.
Reward: 20 Arcane Artifacts
Miracle on Bleecker Street Pt. 2
Doctor Strange starts
Loki: Would you like my help stopping this all-powerful Chaos-Entity?
Doctor Strange: No, this is my responsibility as Sorcerer Supreme. I have to go alone.
Loki: I'm sure you'll be victorious...Not.
Upgrade Doctor Strange! 12 x Surgeon Knives, 9115 Arcane Artifacts
Doctor Strange Protect New York! 5m
Loki: You look terrible.
Doctor Strange: Thank you.
Loki: Did you banish the Chaos-Entity?
Doctor Strange: Yes. And I trapper her familiar in a warded containment box, so that she couldn't continue to amass mystical energies.
Loki: I'm relatively impressed, Mister Weirdo. You've managed to overcome an unfortunate outfit and an unearned title to save the world from your own mistakes.
Doctor Strange: Has anyone ever told you that you're terrible at compliments?
Loki: I try not to listen when people say things...
Reward: 20 Arcane Artifacts
Masters of Mysticism Pt. 1
Doctor Strange starts
Doctor Strange: I'm realizing that I may need to gather even more sorcerers. I always thought the current Young Masters of the Mystic Arts were enough, but there are so many magical threats to this world.
Nick Fury: I think we need to have another talk.
Doctor Strange: What did I do now?
Nick Fury: Unleashed a Chaos-Entity in the middle of New York.
Doctor Strange: But then I banished it.
Nick Fury: That's the part we need to talk about...
Doctor Strange Defy Logic! 2m
Doctor Strange Focus! 4m
Mephisto: Have you come to gloat?
Doctor Strange: Only as a last resort. I just want to talk. Fury says there's a reason he's keeping you and these others imprisoned while most villains are allowed to attend like any other student.
Mephisto: Sometimes I think Fury is more devious than every Hell-Lord combined. I like that about him.
Doctor Strange: He says the reason you're not allowed to be free in this plane or any other because of something that happened in the past. Before Avengers Academy. Possibly before this reality altogether...
Mephisto: Did Mephisto do something bad?
Doctor Strange: According to him, your crime was that you refused to do anything at all...
Reward: 20 Arcane Artifacts
Masters of Mysticism Pt. 2
Doctor Strange starts
Doctor Strange: I need your help to find and recruit as many talented sorcerers as we can find.
Nico Minoru: Are you opening a school of witchcraft and wizardry? Because I think somebody beat you to it...
Doctor Strange: I'm opening up the Young Masters of the Mystic Arts to more sorcerers. If I've learned anything recently, it's that we're going to need all of the help we can get.
Nico Minoru: I like it. Us witches and sorcerers should all be taking care of each other.
Doctor Strange: I knew you'd agree. Just be careful. Lone magic users can be dangerous...
Nico Minoru: So can I.
Upgrade Doctor Strange! 20 x Surgeon Knives, 11869 Arcane Artifacts
Doctor Strange Gather More Sorcerers! 2m
Doctor Strange Pace in Circles! 2m
Doctor Strange: Did you have any luck locating more sorcerers to add to our team?
Nico Minoru: I think I did pretty good. I found a guy named Daimon. A little devilish, but pretty cool. I met a girl named Morgana who was really cool, but she seemed like she might be way worse than devilish.
Doctor Strange: I think we can work with devilish...
Nico Minoru: How about you?
Doctor Strange: I found one very promising sorcerer. A little younger, but very powerful. He still needs to get his abilities under control, but I think I can help him in that regard.
Nico Minoru: What's his name?
Doctor Strange: He calls himself Wiccan.
Nico Minoru: Wiccan, huh? I like it. Sounds pretty witchy...
Reward: 20 Arcane Artifacts
What do you think of Doctor Strange? Have you been able to recruit him?
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