Magic Show! Pt. 1
Mysterio starts
Black Widow: I need some help getting more intel on these different Symbiotes. I heard you're good at sneaking around...
Mysterio: I'm a master of deception and disguise.
Black Widow: We'll see about that...
Mysterio Now You See Me! 1h 15m
Black Widow Search for Clues! 1m
Black Widow: That was...not masterful.
Mysterio: It was only an illusion. Pretending to fail is the most magical way of giving your enemies a false sense of security.
Black Widow: Sure. You keep purposefully failing. I'll take care of the Symbiotes.
Reward: 20 Klyntarites
Magic Show! Pt. 2
Mysterio starts
Mysterio: These people don't respect my talents...
Green Goblin: Why would they? All you've done so far is bumble around and get pummeled. They respect who they fear.
Mysterio: But I'm trying to use my talents for good...
Green Goblin: Doesn't mean you still can't give them a good show...
Mysterio Set the Scene! 20m
J. Jonah Jameson: What do you think you're doing with my building?!
Mysterio: Unleashing a storm of noxious nightmares, and evil illusions!
J. Jonah Jameson: Your creep-cloud left a film on my whole building! You better be good at cleaning windows!
Mysterio: I am. I'm always getting food on the inside of my helmet.
Reward: 20 Klyntarites
Magic Show! Pt. 3
Mysterio starts
Wasp: What's wrong, Mysterio? I can't see your eyes that good, but I can totally tell that you're sadder than Odin at a salad bar!
Mysterio: I tried to be an actor. A magician. A Super Villain. And I've always failed. I don't even know what I'm doing anymore...
Wasp: I think you can be great at magic! You just have to keep practicing!
Mysterio: What if I fail again?
Wasp: I'll totally try not to laugh at you!
Upgrade Mysterio! 10 Speed Samples, 1598 Klyntarites
Mysterio Avert Your Eyes! 2m
Wasp Take Selfies! 1m
Wasp: That was...
Mysterio: Embarrassing.
Wasp: Totally amazing! I haven't laughed that hard since Cap tried to teach Groot how to do the Charleston!
Mysterio: You thought it was good?
Wasp: I was super entertained!
Mysterio: Maybe my problem is that I've been boxing myself in. I'm not an actor. A magician. A villain. A hero. Mysterio is the ultimate entertainer...
Wasp: You're funny, but you're no Beyonce.
Reward: 20 Klyntarites
For My Next Trick... Pt. 1
Mysterio starts
Loki: You're the one they call Mr. E.O.?
Mysterio: And you're Loki. The so-called god of mischief...
Loki: I challenge you to a duel!
Mysterio: Dancing?
Loki: Magic!
Mysterio: Oh, that actually makes way more sense...
Mysterio Set the Scene! 20m
Mysterio Now You See Me! 1h 15m
Loki Wield Sorcery! 1m
Loki: You're all parlor tricks and distractions. You might make a fine jester, but don't ever call yourself a sorcerer.
Mysterio: I'm fine calling myself the winner of our duel.
Loki: Please. I exhibited true magic. You stumbled around, and made a raincloud.
Mysterio: And picked your pocket.
Loki: What?!
Mysterio: Who knew you wrote so many heartfelt letters? One to Black Widow. One to Union Jack. To the brother you supposedly hate so much. It's so sweet...
Loki: I'll kill you!
Mysterio: I'm sure you could, but not before I yelled your secrets to everyone at Avengers Academy. I'll keep them to myself, and we'll agree that Mysterio won this round...
Reward: 20 Klyntarites
For My Next Trick... Pt. 2
Mysterio starts
Loki: You've earned a shred of my respect, Mr. E.O. I now loathe you slightly less than before.
Mysterio: You're welcome to join me for the next phase of my plan...
Loki: What are you trying to do?
Mysterio: Find the farthest reaches of entertainment!
Loki: How?
Mysterio: It's a mystery!
Upgrade Mysterio! 20 Toxic Samples, 12 Pocket Watches (Collect from the Mysterio's Magic Trunk), 2159 Klyntarites

Mysterio Hypnotize Classmates! 6h
Mysterio Master the Dance Floor! 2h
Loki: Aside from the opportunity to once again exhibit my masterful dancing, that was a complete waste of time...
Mysterio: Do you know anything about hypnotism? Accessing the subject's subconscious, using trigger words to compel them to obey against their will...
Loki: Another idiotic pastime for charlatans who wish they had real power.
Mysterio: Super.
Loki: I love Thor!
Mysterio: Mysterio is the master of entertainment!
Loki: Reverse the hypnotism! Now!
Mysterio: I don't think so. I wouldn't worry though. I'm sure no one at Avengers Academy ever uses the word super...
Loki: I love Thor!
Reward: 20 Klyntarites
Mysteriously Intelligent Pt. 1
Mysterio starts
Mysterio: Scientist Supreme?!
Scientist Supreme: Hello, Mysterio. It's nice to meet a fellow fan of unique headgear.
Mysterio: What do you want?
Scientist Supreme: I want you to consider joining the A.I.M. Institute. You're highly intelligent. A meticulous planner and organizer. A master of deception. We could use someone like you as we rebuild...
Mysterio: No thanks. I'm good with robotics, but I've always considered myself more of an entertainer. I'm like the Beyonce of summoning ominous clouds, and hypnotizing people.
Scientist Supreme: Think it over. A.I.M. can help make you the Beyonce of everything...
Mysterio Learn New Tricks! 2m
Mysterio Study Great Magicians! 1h
Scientist Supreme: Did you reconsider my offer to join the A.I.M. Institute?
Mysterio: I still don't understand why you're so interested in helping me...
Scientist Supreme: We've always played supporting roles, Mysterio. It's time for us to steal the spotlight...
Reward: 20 Klyntarites
Mysteriously Intelligent Pt. 2
Mysterio starts
Scientist Supreme: Visit the A.I.M. Institute. I'll provide you with everything you need...
Mysterio: To do what?
Scientist Supreme: My greatest creation decided to abandon A.I.M., and form his own team called The Intelligencia. I want you to get him back. Ideally, with deception...
Mysterio: What if it doesn't work?
Scientist Supreme: We'll have to discuss more extreme measures...
Upgrade Mysterio! 25 Speed Samples, 2477 Klyntarites
Mysterio Fool The Intelligencia! 1h
Scientist Supreme: I still wish you'd join the A.I.M. Institute, but thank you for returning my creation, Mysterio. A.I.M. is in your debt.
Mysterio: Judging by the look of your school, you're in all kinds of debt.
Scientist Supreme: A.I.M. has fallen on hard times, no doubt. But we will rise again...
Mysterio: With the help of that...creation? What does that thing even do?
Scientist Supreme: M.O.D.O.K. was designed for only one thing...
Reward: 20 Klyntarites
Other Universes Pt. 1
Mysterio starts
Mysterio: What do you know about Earth-1610?
Black Widow: As much as Fury, which is less than you might expect. Why?
Mysterio: I infiltrated a group called The Intelligencia. It's The Leader, M.O.D.O.K., and a bunch of guys I didn't recognize. Anyway, they said they're trying to find an alternate universe to settle in, and that's the one they're aiming for...
Black Widow: Why are they trying to move to a different universe?
Mysterio: Because they think this one is doomed.
Black Widow: Create some distractions. I'll find out what's going on...
Mysterio Avert Your Eyes! 2m
Mysterio Set the Scene! 20m
Black Widow Search for Clues! 1m
Black Widow: Have you met Professor Pym?
Mysterio: No. Why?
Black Widow: Tell him we need the coordinates to Earth-1610. Tell him you and I need to travel there immediately.
Mysterio: Wait. What?! Through a portal? Why? What if he doesn't even listen to me?
Black Widow: Just yell a lot, and act over-dramatic. You two have that in common...
Reward: 20 Klyntarites
Other Universes Pt. 2
Mysterio starts
Hank Pym: Mysterio! You're both an excellent illusionist, and underappreciated mechanical engineer!
Mysterio: Thanks. Black Widow and I need to use one of your portals to access Earth-1610.
Hank Pym: Ah! An excellent choice! I remember you being one of the only ones who travelled there before!
Mysterio: I don't understand...
Hank Pym: That's science!
Mysterio: So, we can use the portal, or...?
Hank Pym: Of course! After you guess which playing card alternate me is holding behind my back!
Upgrade Mysterio! 30 Speed Samples, 84 x Spider Slayer (Collect from the Mysterio's All-Watching Eye), 3361 Klyntarites
Mysterio Explore New Worlds! 8h
Black Widow Test Invisibility Tech! 30m
Reward: 20 Klyntarites
What do you think of Mysterio? Were you able to recruit him?
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