Wednesday 31 May 2017

GotG Vol. 2 Character Outfit: Astronaut Falcon

Astronaut Falcon!
Falcon starts

Wasp: Now you can help on space missions and your brain won't explode!
Astronaut Falcon: It's incredible! I feel like Guion Bluford and Neil Armstrong rolled into one!
Wasp: Plus you've got wings and a special pocket for holding astronaut ice cream!
Astronaut Falcon: My brain might explode from hypeness!

Get Astronaut Falcon!
- Collect 2 Red Aliens (Defeat High Priestess OR Get from the Robot Dance Off!)
- Collect 20 Moon Boots (Special Mission Boards)
- Collect 15 Oxygen Tanks (Collect from the Ravager Ship)
- Collect 2490 Flares

Captain Marvel: How'd you get your hands on an astronaut suit?
Astronaut Falcon: I called in a favor.
Captain Marvel: I'd be jealous if I couldn't survive in space ithout one.
Astronaut Falcon: Forget space, I'm wearing this to the club!

Reward: 10 Flares

Earth to Falcon Pt. 1

Falcon starts

Captain America
: What's the first thing you're gonna do in your new space suit?
Astronaut Falcon: I'm pretty sure everybody knows the answer to that...

Falcon Moonwalk, 5m

Captain America: I'm glad you'll be representing Earth.
Astronaut Falcon: Thanks, man. I'll do my best not to make a fool out of us.
Captain America: Just be yourself. If they don't like you, they don't like anyone.
Astronaut Falcon: Don't make me cry in my space suit, Cap. It'll take me an hour to get this thing off to wipe my eyes.
Reward: 10 Flares

Earth to Falcon Pt. 2
Falcon starts

Retro-Futuristic Wasp: You have a space suit and I'm really excited so I put on my space suit and now gravity can kiss our butts at the same time!
Astronaut Falcon: But you have wings?
Retro-Futuristic Wasp: But now my wings are in a space suit!

Falcon Experience Zero-G, 3m

Retro-Futuristic Wasp: Zero Gravity is tough, but you're getting the hang of it!
Astronaut Falcon: Maybe eating five pounds of astronaut ice cream in Zero-G wasn't my best idea.
Retro-Futuristic Wasp: What doesn't give you an ice cream headache only makes you stronger!
Reward: 10 Flares  

Earth to Falcon Pt. 3
Falcon starts

Cosmo the Spacedog: Comrade Falcon! You are beink cosmonaut, yes?
Astronaut Falcon: I can even walk in Zero-G without feeling sick!
Cosmo the Spacedog: Most impressive. Cosmo is havink mission for you.
Astronaut Falcon: Do I get to fly around in space?!
Cosmo the Spacedog: Comrade Falcon will be goink where no Avenger has gone before.

Falcon Moonwalk, 5m
Falcon Blast Off, 3m

Cosmo the Spacedog: How was travellink to space?
Astronaut Falcon: Mind-blowingly enormous. I've never realized how small we are. We could be specks to giants, figments of someone's imagination, we'll never know.
Cosmo the Spacedog: Yes Space can be makink us ponder infinity, and question our importance in the grander scheme of thinks.
Astronaut Falcon: This is the deepest conversation I've ever had with a telepathic dog. Space is awesome!
Reward: 10 Flares

What do you think of Astronaut Falcon? Were you able to get him?


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