Friday 12 May 2017

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Special Event: Episode 3

Morning Avengers!!

Episode 3 of the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Special Event is now live in our games! Once you have completed the quest "Growing Collection", you will be able to start episode 3! Complete all quests marked with a gold star to advance.

Episode 3 of the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Special Event ends on May 18th at 3 pm PDT/6 pm EDT.
You will need to unlock the Kree Bloodhound by the end of the episode or it will disappear at that time.


How do I recruit Collector?

Start the quest "Get Collector!" to invite Collector! To recruit him to Avengers Academy, you'll need to turn in the following items:
- 9 Red Aliens (Defeat High Priestess)
- 60 Exotic Birds (Special Event Missions)
- 12 Rare Gems (Collect from the Temporal Assimilator)
- 3660 Flares
Once you turn in these items, Collector will join the Academy. He must be completely unlocked by the end of the event or he will disappear from the game at that time.

How do I get Astronaut Falcon?

Astronaut Falcon is a special, limited-time outfit for Falcon. You can get it from Van Dyne's Outfits by turning in the following items:
- 15 Oxygen Tanks (Collect from the Ravager Ship)
- 20 Moon Boots (Special Event Missions)
- 2490 Flares
The outfit must be completely unlocked by the end of the event or it will disappear from the game at that time.

How do I unlock Ravager Captain America?

Get Ravager Captain America and other swashbuckling prizes from the Ravager Cargo Crate, available in the Shop for 90 Shards each!
The outfit must be completely unlocked by the end of the event or it will disappear from the game at that time.

How do I access Quadrant 2?

Defeat all 8 Sectors in Quadrant 1 to advance to Quadrant 2!
Victory in a Sector can yield the following possible rewards:
- Black Hole Bombs
- Kree Seals
- Flares
- Combat Skills

How do I battle Tiamut?

Finish the quest "Galactic Battle" and start the quest "Giant Killer" to battle Tiamut!
You will need to craft Cosmic Shields at Collector's Ship to fight Tiamut.
Tiamut drops different rewards depending on what character you use to battle him! 

- Sending Star-Lord rewards Flares
- Sending Nova rewards Black Hole Bombs
- Sending Mantis rewards Green Aliens

How do I battle High Priestess?

Start the quest "Defeat the High Priestess" to battle the High Priestess!
You will need Black Hole Bombs from Quadrant 2 to fight the High Priestess. Defeating the High Priestess rewards Flares, Red Aliens for unlocking Astronaut Falcon and Collector, and Space Food at Streak 7+ for the Kree Bloodhound.
How do I get Galactic Gamora?

Galactic Star-Lord is a special, limited-time outfit for Star-Lord. You can get it from the Knowhere Pawn Shop by turning in the following items:
- 20 Rocket Packs (from Quadrant 1 Heroic Mode)
- Space Suit
(from High Priestess Streak 15)

The outfit must be completely unlocked by the end of the quest "Get Galactic Gamora" or it will disappear from the game at that time.
Galactic Gamora changes Gamora to an Advanced Strength type and allows her to train her own combat skills! It also increases Flare rewards from the Event Mission Board.


Ravager Cargo Crate! 90 Shards
Robot Dance-Off!, 545 Shards, drops 6 Red Aliens per day
Ravager Penguin, 200 Flares


Collect Collector!
Mantis starts

Mantis: How does it feel to be imprisoned like you've imprisoned so many others?
The Collector: It's as though a nightmarish chef tossed me into a pot of despair, and proceeded to sprinkle the concoction with delicious irony. I love it.
Mantis: Do you want us to set you free?
The Collector: I can free myself, darling. The only thing I want you to do is applaud.

Free Collector!

Ayesha: You made the biggest mistake of your immortal life by betraying me, you perfumed stork. I'm going to ruin you and your precious collection.
The Collector: You're going to look excellent next to my crystal vase filled with mint condition earwigs.
Reward: 10 Flares

Get Collector!
Star-Lord starts

Nick Fury: Glad you finally decided to join.
The Collector: I could end this oh so quickly if you allowed me to borrow your Infinity Gauntlet.
Nick Fury: This would have never happened if you joined us from the beginning instead of starting your own school.
The Collector: Cosmic beings are special, Nicholas. The Cosmic Conservatory was a special place for them to learn.
Nick Fury: While you pillaged their homeworlds in search of the Infinity Gems.
The Collector: We do what we have to, Nicholas. I learned that from you.

Get Collector!
- Collect 9 Red Aliens! (Defeat High Priestess OR Get from the Robot Dance Off!)
- Collect 60 Exotic Birds! (Special Event Missions)
- Collect 12 Rare Gems! (Collect from the Temporal Assimilator)
- Collect 3660 Flares!

Pepper Potts: Welcome to Avengers Academy, Collector! Is there anything we can get for you?
The Collector: You are incredibly chipper. Have you ever considered a career as a museum facilitator?
Pepper Potts: Thanks, but I'm happy as Academy Administrator for now.
The Collector: How about as an exhibit?
Reward: 10 Flares 

Astronaut Falcon!
Falcon starts

Wasp: Now you can help on space missions and your brain won't explode!
Astronaut Falcon: It's incredible! I feel like Guion Bluford and Neil Armstrong rolled into one!
Wasp: Plus you've got wings and a special pocket for holding astronaut ice cream!
Astronaut Falcon: My brain might explode from hypeness!

Get Astronaut Falcon!
- Collect 2 Red Aliens (Defeat High Priestess OR Get from the Robot Dance Off!)
- Collect 20 Moon Boots (Special Mission Boards)
- Collect 15 Oxygen Tanks (Collect from the Ravager Ship)
- Collect 2490 Flares

Captain Marvel: How'd you get your hands on an astronaut suit?
Astronaut Falcon: I called in a favor.
Captain Marvel: I'd be jealous if I couldn't survive in space ithout one.
Astronaut Falcon: Forget space, I'm wearing this to the club!

Reward: 10 Flares

Galactic Battle!
Star-Lord starts

Nick Fury: The Chitauri are more organized than I thought. I think all this space activity is them setting up some kind of defense and communications network for a major assault.
Star-Lord: No worries, Fury. We got this.
Nick Fury: I'm worried because if Thanos is behind it, he could be here soon with an entire army of Chitauri riding weaponized asteroids.
Star-Lord: Oh, man. Now I'm worried too...

Defeat the first Sector in Quadrant 2, 2 x Fuel Cells

Star-Lord: Tell me what you're planning!
Chitauri: Rhe sloolgh julmpkhh.
Star-Lord: What do you mean you can't take me seriously?
Chitauri: Dlekshkrok telm.
Star-Lord: So what if I named myself Star-Lord? It's an awesome name. What's your name?
Chitauri: Enklhawainn dekncsh dahk.
Star-Lord: ...You're right. That's way better than Star-Lord.
Reward: 10 Flares   

Giant Killer!
Mantis starts

Ayesha: Tell the Celestial to attack. I didn't want to reduce this planet to rubble before rebuilding it in my perfect image and retrieving the Infinity Gauntlet, but these Avengers have exhausted my patience.
High Priestess: The Celestial only listens to you, Ayesha.
Ayesha: Fine. I'll do everything like I always do, and you can remain useless like you always are.
High Priestess: How did you get an invulnerable Celestial to do your bidding?
Ayesha: I relentlessly assaulted it with insults and heresay until I broke its spirit, and crushed its self-esteem.
High Priestess: That's so mean...
Ayesha: Mean girls get things done.

Mantis Battle Tiamut! 6h

High Priestess: The Celestial failed, Ayesha.
Ayesha: Of course it did. I'm forever surrounded by failures.
High Priestess: Should we tell it to head back to space?
Ayesha: It's a loser, but it isn't useless. Let it be a gigantic attack distraction until it dies. Then we'll melt it for new shoes.
High Priestess: I don't think a Celestial can die...
Ayesha: There's a first time for everything.
Reward: 10 Flares

Defeat the High Priestess!

Mantis starts

High Priestess: I won't fail you, Ayesha. I'll defeat these Avengers, and bring you the Infinity Gauntlet.
Ayesha: I wish that were true. I wish you were more than just a pathetic imitation of me. I wish everything was as simple for you as it is for me. Alas, you suck.
High Priestess: For someone who's supposedly perfect, your inspirational speeches leave a lot to be desired.
Ayesha: It was a perfect description of your glaring imperfections.

Defeat the High Priestess! 2 x Black Hole Bombs (Nova Battle Tiamut OR Sector Battles OR Open the Ravager Cargo Crate)

Mantis: Why do you fight by Ayesha? I can feel your dislike for her. She treats you terribly.
High Priestess: We're of the same kingdom. The same family .We're nearly the same person.
Mantis: But she's such a...B word.
High Priestess: Trust me, I know. For my birthday, she gave me a deodorant and a bathroom scale.
Reward: 10 Flares

Old is Gold
Iron Man starts

High Priestess: Our foes want me to abandon you.
Ayesha: Go ahead.
High Priestess: What do you mean?
Ayesha: Let them deal with your boring personality, suspect abilities, and questionable hygiene. It would honestly be a relief.
High Priestess: My entire like has revolved around serving you.
Ayesha: It wasn't much of a life to begin with.

Defeat High Priestess 3 Times!

Beat Heroic Sector 1H:1 - Area 616

A.I.M. Scientist: You really shouldn't let them treat you like that.
High Priestess: Who?
A.I.M. Scientist: Your boss. They're all the same, you know. Bitter, power-hungry bullies who take out their frustrations about always getting beat by their enemies on their henchmen.
High Priestess: How did you escape?
A.I.M. Scientist: I hid in that bush over there. Me, two Hydra guys, an alien, a ninja, and a fireball with a face. I don't know. I stay busy writing my memoirs.
High Priestess: Is there room for one more?
A.I.M. Scientist: For sure! There's always room in the Fortress of Independent Minions! That's what we call the overcrowded bush where we all live.
Reward: 10 Flares 

The Golden Rule
Mantis starts

Ayesha: Do I need to remind you what will happen if you fail to defeat these Guardians and Avengers, and retrieve the Infinity Gauntlet?
High Priestess: No, but you could be more specific. All you said before is that you'd make my face look worse that it does already.
Ayesha: I forgot about that. You cried so hard.

Defeat High Priestess 7 Times!

Nebula: Tell us what Ayesha wants with the Infinity Gauntlet. Is she working with Thanos?
High Priestess: You don't work with Ayesha, you work for her. Thanos is no different.
Nebula: What does she want?
High Priestess: Ayesha wants to put the universe in perfect order. Thanos wants to destroy everything he sees. Their goals are in line for now.
Nebula: Ayesha has to know he'll try to destroy her too.
High Priestess: She does. She believes she has the perfect plan for Thanos...
Reward: 10 Flares

Mint Condition
Mantis starts

The Collector: What exactly would you do with the Infinity Gauntlet?
Ayesha: Remake this entire universe in my perfect golden image. It's my destiny to eliminate imperfections from all existence.
The Collector: When you've been alive as long as I have, and seen the things I've seen, you realize that perfection is but a bland and unobtainable goal. Strangeness is the lifeblood of fun and creativity.
Ayesha: I suppose the universe will have to find a way to survive without freaks and feathered weirdos.
The Collector: Take it from an immortal, darling. The longer you survive, the more you wish the world was weirder.

The Collector Tickle the Ivories, 15m
Falcon Moonwalk, 2h

Ayesha: Since you failed at fighting, why don't you focus on gathering information? I need to get my hands on the Infinity Gauntlet before he arrives.
High Priestess: I quit.
Ayesha: Excuse me?
High Priestess: I'm moving into a bush with a community of displaced minions.
Ayesha: What does it say about you that you'd rather crawl around in a shrub of homeless failures than live in my perfect kingdom?
High Priestess: It says a lot more about you.
Reward: 10 Flares


Space Falcon
Falcon starts

Loki: Don't tell me you've decided to join this gang of filthy pirates...
Falcon: No, I just told them I liked their ships, so they made me one. Turns out they have a lot of parts lying around.
Loki: Stolen, no doubt.
Falcon: Why do you hate pirates so much?
Loki: Even if you were immortal, we would not have time for that story.

Place the Ravager Ship! 1 Red Alien (Defeat High Priestess OR Get from the Robot Dance Off!), 1420 Flares, 30s

Falcon: Man, this almost makes me wanna join the Ravagers.
Yondu: I got an arrow that responds to whistles, and punctures skulls. What're you bringin' to the table?
Falcon: A good work ethic?
Yondu: We ain't never had one of those!
Reward: 10 Flares

Time Device
Iron Man starts

Black Widow: If this Temporal Assimilator allows short trips through time, maybe we can use it to see the origin of the timefog.
The Collector: You could also go back five seconds, and stop yourself from asking to use one of my most prized possessions.
Black Widow: Or I could go back and slap you instead.
The Collector: The truth is that I use the Temporal Assimilator to visit alternate universes more than travelling through time. I think you'd be interested in who you'd find. In the many versions of you you'd find...
Black Widow: Show me...

Place the Temporal Assimilator! 3 x Red Aliens (Defeat High Priestess OR Get from the Robot Dance Off!), 2930 Flares, 30s

Hank Pym: Amazing! A real Temporal Assimilator!
The Collector: You've heard of it?
Hank Pym: I used to have one myself, but lost it in the Microverse!
The Collector: Can you take me to this Microverse?
Hank Pym: I already have!
Reward: 10 Flares

Ronan's Best Friend
Loki starts

Loki: What is this metallic monstrosity?
Ronan: My dog. It's finally arrived to provide me company outside of this forsaken cell.
Loki: What is that thing growing out of it?
Ronan: I don't have time to explain the birds and the bees.

Place the Kree Bloodhound! 21 x Space Food (Defeat the High Priestess!), 16990 Flares, 1h

Vision: I couldn't help noticing the android rising from your Kree Bloodhound's back.
Ronan: The android is one with the dog.
Vision: Speaking of which, why have I never considered making a mixtape with Cosmo?
Reward: 10 Flares  

Get Galactic Gamora! (7 day timer!)
Gamora starts

Galactic Star-Lord: Remember that time you got shot into space and almost died? This'll keep you alive next time, and you'll still be able to hit stuff.
Galactic Gamora: I'm the deadliest woman in the galaxy, but I confess I'm looking forward to being even more dangerous.
Galactic Star-Lord: Check out those rocket boots!
Galactic Gamora: I've already kicked a few people in the face.

Get Galactic Gamora! 20 x Rocket Packs (Defeat a Heroic Sector with 3 Stars for a CHANCE), 1 x Space Suit (Defeat High Priestess Streak 15)

Black Widow: Does that suit protect you from the expanse of space?
Galactic Gamora: Without it, the lack of air pressure would cause my body to swell up twice its size, and I wouldn't be able to hold my breath unless I wanted my lungs to explode.
Black Widow: How many people have you kicked in the face with those rocket boots?
Galactic Gamora: I lost count.

Reward: 10 Flares
What do you think of Episode 3? Excited to recruit The Collector?


1 comment:

  1. Thank you because you have been willing to share information with us. we will always appreciate all you have done here because I know you are very concerned with our. Guardians of galaxy
